Try Some of Our Favorite Anti-Aging Strategies That Use Radiofrequency Energy

If you haven’t heard of collagen and elastin, it’s time you did. Your body makes these proteins to keep your connective tissues strong and your skin resilient. 

Believe it or not, collagen makes up nearly one-third of the protein in your body and serves as a building block for healthy, taut, and radiant skin, while elastin gives it the ability to stretch and bounce back. 

As you age, collagen and elastin production decrease, the main cause of skin thinning, drooping, and crepey texture. 

We understand why you might be less than thrilled about these changes. Fortunately, Dr. Sharon Gertzman and the caring team at Serenity Medical Spa offer noninvasive treatments that can turn your skin around safely, quickly, and beautifully. 

Radiofrequency (RF) energy is the key ingredient in laser treatments that successfully address skin’s lost luster. We’re proud to offer you cutting-edge treatment options that will transform your skin and noticeably revive it.

Radiofrequency (RF) energy: What is it and does it help my skin?

RF treatments generate heat via low-frequency electromagnetic waves. This heat penetrates deep into the skin and stimulates collagen and elastin production, as well as the growth of new skin cells.

This deep-level refreshment and renewal results in healthier, firmer, and younger-looking skin without surgery.

In addition to helping with skin firmness, RF treatments:

Given the number of factors conspiring to age skin, from the sun and other elements to stress and the simple passage of time, we’re lucky to have treatments that erase the damage they cause.

Innovative RF treatments are available

Dr. Gertzman’s top priority is offering you the safest, most advanced treatments with outstanding results. 

Excellent RF anti-aging treatments we offer are:

1. TempSure Envi

During a TempSure Envi treatment, Dr. Gertzman uses a small handheld device to deliver RF energy deep into your skin to kickstart collagen and elastin production and an overall healing response. 

This treatment’s results are remarkable, and the treatment sessions themselves are comfortable and brief — typically 30-60 minutes. Another benefit to treatment is that there's absolutely zero downtime required. You’re free to go back to your life right away.

The biggest payoff? Results are instant, so you go to bed that night with skin that’s healthier looking, visibly tauter, and significantly more luminous. Treatment continues to work over time and it’s completely safe and FDA-approved. 

TempSure Envi is ideal for addressing nearly any area where your skin is loose, and it zaps facial wrinkles amazingly. It can even revive the skin on your neck, abdomen, and chest.

Typically, Dr. Gertzman recommends a series of treatments, and she works with you to customize your treatment schedule so it aligns with your unique goals. 

2. VivaceRF 

Vivace RF treatments combine the wonders of RF energy with microneedling, and Dr. Gertzman adopted the technology early. She makes tiny punctures in your skin to promote healing and collagen and elastin production, then uses a handpiece with robotic capabilities to target your treatment precisely. 

The tiny needles deliver the RF warmth and energy underneath the top layer of your skin. Unlike other laser treatments, Vivace RF does not cause hypo- or hyperpigmentation problems. 

Dr. Gertzman ensures your comfort during treatment by applying a topical anesthetic to your treatment area, so you’re completely comfortable throughout. 

Most patients receive a series of three treatments with one-month breaks in between for the best results. 

Another benefit of Vivace RF is that it also works on acne scars (both old and new), thanks to its ability to penetrate the skin so deeply.  

Treatment recovery is quick, and within 12-48 hours, any slight swelling or redness you may experience abates. 

After your treatment, shun the sun, steer clear of skin products with acids, and make sure you stay hydrated. Hold off on vigorous exercise too, as sweating puts you at risk for infection. Finally, wait at least 12 hours to take a shower after your treatment, and 12-24 hours to apply makeup.

Remember that in addition to making your face look fabulous, RF treatments address loose skin on your hands and sagging skin that develops on your body due to weight loss. 

Call our office at 609-891-3188 to make an appointment with Dr. Gertzman and learn more, or book one online.

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